Once I Knew A Girl
Once I knew A Girl is a guide to navigating the complexities of relationships. Sam Bailey is a Minister, Therapist, Educator, Coach, Speaker, and Author who loves to engage others in related conversations. If you seek to gain and maintain healthy relationships or find love, this is the podcast you have been looking for. Each new episode will give a fresh take on a relevant topic. Sam believes most relational problems can be addressed by confronting the environmental or experiential factors shaping a person. It's time for you to join the conversation!
Once I Knew A Girl
The Complexities of Relationships
Relationships are difficult to navigate. Sam Bailey explains his motivation behind this podcast and upcoming book in this pilot episode. Whether you are dating someone or not, you can find a connection with the concepts discussed in this series. If you have a son or daughter who has begun dating, this is for them. The insights are from various sources and methods, including firsthand experience, secondhand accounts, books, music, movies, fiction and non-fiction pieces, general knowledge, and sound old-fashioned wisdom.